The Butcher and The Body
The Butcher and The Body
The Butcher and The Body (detail)
The Pact
The Pact
The Pact
The Pact
one to wear, one to wash, one to mend & I will not listen to the music of your harps
one to wear, one to wash, one to mend
one to wear, one to wash, one to mend (installation)
one to wear, one to wash, one to mend (detail)
I will not listen to the music of your harps
I will not listen to the music of your harps (detail)
Again Detail.jpg
I will not listen to the music of your harps (detail)
 Baby Blanket (fight)
Baby Blanket (war)
Baby Blanket (fight) & Baby Blanket (War)
The Butcher and The Body
The Butcher and The Body

2022, Hand-dyed fabric top, embroidery thread, found beads, steel infrastructure, synthetic batting.

Anti-sacrilege laws, enforced in France required the death of anyone found guilty of sacrilege. This legislature eventually led to the July Revolution ousting King Charles X. This quilt is based on The Butcher, an Honore Daumier print made after the revolution. The shift in contemporary relationships towards the idea of the sacrid makes the sacrilege in this work almost invisible; the inverted pig's body on a cross.

The Butcher and The Body
The Butcher and The Body

2022, Hand-dyed fabric top, embroidery thread, found beads, steel infrastructure, synthetic batting

The Butcher and The Body (detail)
The Butcher and The Body (detail)

2022, Hand-dyed fabric top, embroidery thread, found beads, steel infrastructure, synthetic batting

The Pact
The Pact

2022, Hand and machine-embroidered cotton, scrap batting

The text in this work was taken from the document handed out at an evangelical marriage conference in 2005. The document presents “biblical” reasons why spouses should never sexually refuse each other. This teaching has been cited in the justification a large number of abuses.

The Pact
The Pact

2022, Hand and machine-embroidered cotton, scrap batting

The Pact
The Pact

2022, Hand and machine-embroidered cotton, scrap batting

The Pact
The Pact

2022, Hand and machine-embroidered cotton, scrap batting

one to wear, one to wash, one to mend & I will not listen to the music of your harps
one to wear, one to wash, one to mend & I will not listen to the music of your harps

Installation shot from Double Feature at the Ice Box in Philadelphia, 2021.

one to wear, one to wash, one to mend
one to wear, one to wash, one to mend

2021, cotton quilt

The title refers to the number of saris that Mother Theresa's Sisters of Charity would own. The self-denial, vows of chastity and poverty came to define the women in this Catholic organization.

They began to wear white, the uniform of widows in India. The blue stripes on the bottom of their saris have since become incorporated into Catholic tradition in the region.

Mother Theresa herself embodied the position of virgin, mother, and widow simultaneously. Although she eventually became a saint, her position as a woman within Christianity and a foreign missionary in India is one of nuanced complexity to say the least.

one to wear, one to wash, one to mend (installation)
one to wear, one to wash, one to mend (installation)
one to wear, one to wash, one to mend (detail)
one to wear, one to wash, one to mend (detail)
I will not listen to the music of your harps
I will not listen to the music of your harps

"Let's make America Great Again" was Ronald Reagan's campaign slogan in the 1980 election. This election was the first major triumph of the alliance between cultural evangelicals and the Republican party.

The Evangelical Industrial Complex that formed around many political-church leaders reflected systems of control, power, and oppression which hid under the guise of spirituality.

When reflecting on the church in the United States, it is hard to separate the political, commercial, cultural, and spiritual identities. Instead we end up with systems of abuse that occur again, and again, and again...

I will not listen to the music of your harps (detail)
I will not listen to the music of your harps (detail)
Again Detail.jpg
I will not listen to the music of your harps (detail)
I will not listen to the music of your harps (detail)
 Baby Blanket (fight)
Baby Blanket (fight)

2021, fabric, gouache, and embroidery

This work was made in collaboration with Kay Seohyung Lee.

Baby Blanket (war)
Baby Blanket (war)

2021, fabric, gouache, and embroidery

This work was created in collaboration with Kay Seohyung Lee.

Baby Blanket (fight) & Baby Blanket (War)
Baby Blanket (fight) & Baby Blanket (War)

Installation shot from Now and At The Hour at Hot Bed Philadelphia.